Ellen riply mii instructions
Ellen riply mii instructions

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Ripley (and Jonesy) made it back to the shuttle and blasted off just as the Nostromo exploded. She turned her incinerator upon them and burned them to death as a mercy killing. While making her way back towards the shuttle, she found Dallas and Lambert cocooned to the wall. Ripley found their bloody remains and grabbed an incinerator. The xenomorph then appeared in the maintenance bay and killed Parker and Lambert. She then returned to the bridge of the Nostromo and activated the auto-destruct sequence on the ship, allowing them only ten minutes to finish what they needed to do and get back to the shuttle. Parker and Lambert gathered coolant canisters from the medical bay while Ripley prepped the shuttle. With only three crew members left, Ripley decided that they should set the auto-destruct sequence on the Nostromo and take their chances in the life boat. A frustrated Parker punctuated the interrogation by melting Ash's remains to slag with an incinerator.

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Once they incapacitated him, Ripley asked Ash how to destroy the alien, to which Ash plainly replied, "You can't". During the fight, Parker beat Ash across the head with a steel pipe and it was at this point that they all learned that Ash was actually an android. He tried to suffocate her by shoving a rolled up magazine into her mouth, but Parker and Lambert came in and tried to restrain him. He attacked Ripley, throwing her about the bridge of the ship. Ash confronted her and offered an explanation, but soon learned that Ripley intended on exposing his deceit to the rest of the crew. This priority superseded all others and the crew was considered expendable. She learned to her horror that Ash was under orders to deliberately divert the crew to the planetoid to collect the organism for the Company and return it to Earth for analysis. Ripley overrode the program and opened up the file. The computer denied her request, citing Special Order 937, which was for the science officer's eyes only. She accessed the computer mainframe (known as Mother) and queried about how to neutralize an alien threat. With Dallas and Kane both dead, Ripley was now the senior officer aboard the ship. It then went on to capture Captain Dallas, cocooning him inside one of the air shafts for later use. Unfortunately by this point, the alien entity had grown into a full-size adult xenomorph and killed Brett only moments later. Knowing that the cat running loose on the ship would send off false readings, Ripley sent Brett to go find it. At first, they thought they had cornered it, but it only turned out to be Ripley's cat, Jonesy. Using a scanner developed by Ash, they tracked the creature's movements throughout the maintenance bay of the ship. Ripley lead the search party for the creature, which consisted of herself, Lambert, chief engineer J.T. Ripley and the rest of the crew watched in horror as this " chestburster" clawed its way out of Kane's body and escaped elsewhere onto the ship.

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This embryo used Kane as a host body and incubator until it was ready to break free by bursting outward through his chest, ultimately killing him. The organism that had attached itself to Kane's face had impregnated him with an alien embryo. Despite this however, Ripley stood by her decision and was severely irritated with Ash for countermanding her instructions. Dallas admonished Ripley for disobeying an order and Lambert slapped her across the face. Ash countermanded Ripley and opened the airlock, bringing the three of them back inside. Despite Dallas' demands, Ripley refused to let them back on board. Ripley knew that doing so would violate quarantine procedures and by letting Kane on board with the organism, she could put the entire crew at risk. Dallas and Lambert brought Kane back to the dropship and ordered Ripley to let them in. While exploring the cargo hold of the ship, Commander Kane was attacked by a crab-like organism, which attached itself to his face, rendering him comatose.

ellen riply mii instructions

Ripley and the ship's science officer Ash, remained on board the dropship to monitor their progress. They took a dropship to the surface and three of the crew members, Dallas, Lambert and Kane went out to explore the ruins of a derelict ship. They tracked its origin point to a planetoid, which later came to be known as Acheron. The ship's captain, Dallas, interpreted the computer's instructions and informed the crew that they were contractually obligated to respond to the beacon. They found themselves somewhere in the Zeta II Reticuli System on the Outer rim of the galaxy. The ship was on a return route from the Solomons when the mainframe computer intercepted a distress beacon, thus forcing it to awaken the crew early from hypersleep. In the year 2122, Ripley served as a Warrant Officer aboard the commercial towing vehicle USCSS Nostromo.

Ellen riply mii instructions